everyone! I apologize for being more absent from this blog than usual. A bit of
radiation was added to my ongoing treatment schedule, which messed with my
writing life for a bit. To make up for my absence, though, I have a special treat for
this novel has received lovely reviews from Kirkus
and Publishers Weekly. (PW review here: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-60898-142-7.
if this is not enough reason to break out the party cake, the amazing Richard
Peck liked Jessie Pearl enough to write a cover blurb for the novel: “With the poetry of plain speaking, Shannon
Hitchcock recreates the daily drama of a vanished world.” Wow. Let loose the
balloons and confetti.
Inspired by
Shannon’s family history, The Ballad of
Jessie Pearl begins in 1922. Young and spirited Jessie has big plans for
her life, until tuberculosis forces her to put her dreams on hold. Oh, and she
falls in love for the first time, too. Pushed into confronting what she really
wants, and what she is willing to sacrifice for it, Jessie learns that fighting
for one’s dreams can be anything but simple.
Not only is
Shannon a wonderful writer, she is also proving to be a whiz at marketing and
promotion. She spoke on January 18th at the Florida SCBWI conference
on a panel of debut authors, she is slated to speak at NCTE on a panel of
southern authors in November, and she’s sold numerous copies of her
novel out of the back of her car. Impressed yet? I am. So, I thought we’d chat
with Shannon about marketing a debut novel.
Welcome, Shannon! So, how much of the
marketing and promoting are you taking on (as compared to what your publisher
may be doing)?
I look at marketing as a
partnership. My publisher sent out approximately 150 copies of my book to
reviewers and awards committees. Those are contacts that I don’t have on my
own. I’m always reminded of a quote from Joyce Sweeney, “Your publisher is
doing more than you think they are.”
What resources did you find
most helpful in guiding you on how to market and promote your debut novel?
Lisa Schroeder has a handy
“Timeline and Checklist for YA or MG Book Release” posted on her blog. http://www.lisaschroederbooks.com/2010/02/timeline-and-checklist-for-ya-of-mg.html.
I also highly
recommend Katie Davis’s e-book: HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR CHILDREN’S BOOK. Oh, and
use SCBWI. I wrote an article for my regional chapter and I spoke at the Miami
Can I get you to share some
of your marketing strategies, or how you have been or will be promoting? For
example, how do you go about selling books out of your car?
I’ve made it my mission to
contact all of my friends and relatives, contacts my publisher doesn’t have. I
started by writing a letter to everyone on my Christmas card list and inserting
two bookmarks. I invited the recipients to read my book and asked that they
pass the extra bookmark to a friend who might also enjoy it. As for selling
from the back of my car, I try and keep about ten copies of my book in the backseat.
I’ve chatted up my book at church, the beauty salon, even the drycleaners, and
then if anyone expresses interest in buying, I have a book handy to sell them.
I also uploaded my book trailer to YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube, and to my Goodreads author’s
page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRXyeIJ4js8.
Since I hope JESSIE will be
used in classrooms, I also worked with Debbie Gonzales to create a Curriculum
Guide that is linked to the new Common Core State Standards. It’s available for
free downloads, too: http://www.shannonhitchcock.com/forteachers.html.
I also gave my website a
facelift to focus on my new book.
How much do you use social
media, such as Face Book and Twitter, to promote?
I try and tweet and post to
Facebook a couple of times a day.
What would you suggest to
someone just starting to promote his or her first novel? What would you advise against?
Have bookmarks made as soon
as your cover art is final. Bookmarks are relatively inexpensive and people
love getting something for free. I advise against doing anything you detest.
One of my critique mates hates to blog. She tried it and it’s not for her. I
think if you hate doing something that you’ll find every excuse to avoid it.
I’ll be honest and tell you
that I’m afraid I’m leaving out some vital pieces of the marketing puzzle.
Maybe your readers will share tips and strategies in the comments section so
that we can all help each other.
Thank you, Shannon! Wishing
you every success with The Ballad of
Jessie Pearl!
For more on Shannon and her
fabulous novel, hit these links: