Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January is Two-Faced?

Did you know that January is named after the Roman god Janus? I didn't. Apparently, Janus is the God of Gates and Doors. Who knew such a god existed? It makes me wonder what sort of gods would exist today if the Romans were still into this assorted god thing. Would there be a god of dishwashers? Or computers? That’s a little frightening.

Anyway, apparently old Janus sports two faces. One looks back, over the past year and the other looks forward, toward the year ahead. Maybe I am a complete geek, but I think it’s mildly cool that January is named after a two-faced god. Maybe this interests me because I definitely reflect back on the past more in January than I do during any other month of the year (at least until I’m distracted by the Super Bowl). I analyze what went right and what went less than right in the previous year. And I look ahead with great optimism, my head full of grand ideas for revising whatever I’m writing and beginning a fresh story. So, I suppose I’m sort of like Mr. Janus of the two faces. This isn’t very sexy, is it?

How about you? Do you reflect back and look forward? Or do you plow ahead, come what may, without glancing back?


  1. Ah yes, I know about Janus, a most apt god for this month to have been named after. I tend to plow ahead. Not that I don't reflect, I do, just don't spend a whole lot of time looking back.

  2. Definitely. I do look back at the old year and dive into the new with much optimism!

  3. Good for you, Bish! I do think it's best to mostly plow ahead.

    Ah, we're alike, Kelly! : )

    Thanks for commenting, ladies!

  4. I mostly look forward - at the things I want to do, but I also look back at those things I really should have got done, but didn't.

  5. Ahhh, that sounds like my "to do" list-- the one that is never completely checked off! : )

  6. I like to always move forward, though I do wonder why I did some things, and didn't do others last year - I tell myself it's okay 'cause I'll do better this year!

  7. I love the part where you tell yourself it's okay since you'll do better in the next year. I'm going to borrow that. ; )

  8. That is cool. I didn't realize that. I do tend to look both back and ahead. I also like contrast so the whole back/ ahead thing interests me from that standpoint as well. :0)
